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Alpha Tracker Asbestos Register
Telephone 01342 31 38 48

What is a Management Survey?

A management survey is a standard survey which aims to find any asbestos containing materials or (ACMs) in a property. This helps to ensure that once identified, ACMs are not damaged or disturbed, either through the routine use of or maintenance of the property.

A management survey therefore has three objectives to ensure that:

  1. No person is harmed by the continuing presence of ACMs in a property or equipment
  2. The ACM is in good condition
  3. No person disturbs an ACM accidently, due to the long-term health risks this could cause

How does a survey work?

Asbestos management surveys can be completed during normal use of the building, as they usually only involve minor intrusive work and some disturbance, depending on the property.

What does the survey include?

The survey will include an assessment of the various ACMs and their ability to release fibres into the air, if they were disturbed.

This material assessment may involve sampling and analysis to confirm the presence or absence of ACMs.

All our samples are analysed by UKAS accredited laboratories.


Please also note that where ‘more extensive’ maintenance work or repair work is involved, there may not be sufficient information within the management survey and a localised refurbishment survey will be needed.

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